Kinga Załęcka-Kościukiewicz

Attorney-at-law, senior associate

Qualifications / Education:

Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Gdańsk; completed post-graduate studies in tax law at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics.
Completed apprenticeship for attorneys-at-law at The Regional Chamber of Legal Advisers in Gdańsk.

Professional experience:

  • Possesses a long-standing experience in the area of providing comprehensive corporate services for business organizations and entities from the public finance sector.
  • Specializes in public procurement law, with a particular focus on issues related to utility contracts, procedures for awarding contracts financed from the EU aid funds, establishment of internal procurement procedures for enterprises operating in the energy and gas industries, entities from the public finance sector, legal persons established by local governments and healthcare entities.
  • Possesses a long-standing experience in preparing and conducting contract awarding procedures for various contracts and in various any different modes, including complex large-scale projects.
  • Has gathered comprehensive practical experience in the area of preparing announcements concerning contracts, terms of reference, public contracts, letters and notes in the course of the contract awarding procedure, including memoranda concerning the implementation of legal remedies.
  • Has represented parties in court proceedings concerning disputes related to public procurement, conducted particularly before the National Appeals Chamber.
  • Has participated in multiple consultations with tender committees and managers of contracting authorities, and also in negotiations between contracting authorities and contractors.
  • Has taken part in inspections and audits of contract awarding procedures, which also covered the preparation of inspection methodology, selection of samples, and summary reports.
  • Has participated in consultations carried out with industry organizations and regarding draft legal acts in the area of the public procurement law.
  • A trainer with long-standing experience, has conducted training courses in the area of energy law, projects involving investments in power lines, claims lodged by real estate owners arising from location of power engineering devices, real estate management, public procurement law, law of obligations, property law, and environmental protection law.
  • Has prepared expert opinions on presence and admissibility of state aid from the EU and national funds, as well as legal analyses concerning interpretation of the EU laws.
  • Possesses also practical experience in arguing civil cases before courts, especially in the area of the law of obligations and property law (business parties real estate law).
Has co-operated with the law firm since 2014 .


Corporate and business law
Administrative and real estate law
Law of the European Union


Author of the following commentaries and opinions concerning the Public Procurement Law, published by Wolters Kluwer SA publishing house:

Tryby udzielania zamówień publicznych (“Modes of awarding public contracts”);

Poprawa istotnych omyłek polegających na niezgodności oferty ze specyfikacją istotnych warunków zamówienia w treści oferty - praktyczne stosowanie przez zamawiających przepisu art. 87 ust. 3 ustawy - Prawo zamówień publicznych (“Correcting material errors in the tender contents consisting in inconsistency of the tender with the terms of reference  - practical application by contracting authorities of the provision of Article 87(3) of the Public Procurement Law”);

Odrzucenie oferty ze względu na niezgodność treści oferty z treścią SIWZ – problemy w praktyce (“Tender rejection due to inconsistency of tender contents with the terms of reference - practical problems”);

Odpowiedzialność z tytułu naruszenia przepisów ustawy z dnia 29 stycznia 2004 r. – Prawo zamówień publicznych (“Liability arising from infringement of the provisions of the Public Procurement Law of 29 January 2004”);

Praktyka prowadzenia przetargu nieograniczonego – analiza problemów związanych z przebiegiem przetargu nieograniczonego na przykładzie postępowania o udzielenie zamówienia publicznego na kompleksowe zabezpieczenie laboratorium szpitalnego w zakresie ciągłej i nieprzerwanej pracy przy wykonywaniu analiz biochemicznych i immunochemicznych (“Conducting an open tender in practice - an analysis of problems related to the course of an open tender procedure using as an example a public contract awarding procedure regarding comprehensive provision for a hospital laboratory enabling continuous and uninterrupted work on biochemical and immunochemical analyses”);

Unieważnienie postępowania w sprawie zamówienia publicznego z powodu istotnej zmiany okoliczności  powodującej, że prowadzenie postępowania lub wykonanie zamówienia nie leży w interesie publicznym, czego nie można było wcześniej przewidzieć - (art. 93 ust. 1 pkt 6 pzp)  - stosowanie przepisu przez Zamawiających na wybranych przykładach z praktyki prowadzenia postępowań o udzielenie zamówienia publicznego (“Annulment of public contract awarding procedure due to a material change in circumstances as a result of which conducting the procedure or performing the contract is no longer in public interest, which could not have been foreseen in advance - (Art. 93(1)(6) of the Public Procurement Law) - application of the regulation by Contracting Authorities illustrated with selected examples from the practical conducting of public contract awarding procedures”);

Sposób i forma dysponowania przez Zamawiającego wiedzą i doświadczeniem podmiotów trzecich – problemy w praktyce udzielania zamówień publicznych dotyczące stosowania art. 26 ust. 2b pzp na przykładzie postępowań dotyczących robót budowlanych (“Method and form of using knowledge and experience of third parties by a Contracting Authority - problems encountered in practical awarding of public contracts and concerning the application of Art. 26(2b) of the Public Procurement Law, with procedures concerning construction works used as an example”).

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